Friday, January 9, 2009

Calorie Shifting Works Use Calorie Shifting To Lose Weight

The holiday season is upon us. Do you greet it with joy and trepidation at the same time? Festivities bring us together with family and friends. It is time to take out the decorations, go shopping and bake the cookies. Ah, There's the rub! Cookies, candy, rich foods all add up to weight gain as the New Year begins.

It is not as hard as you may think to enjoy yourself and wake up in January without having to go on a diet. The first step is to prepare ahead of time by making a list of all the people, places and things that contribute to your gustatory downfall.

Once you have a clear picture of how you sabotage yourself, you can use a simple and powerful acupressure technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), to eliminate overwhelming cravings and holiday anxiety. Many overeaters try to be "good" and forego the temptations. Then they go home and overeat because they feel cheated. With EFT you will be able to choose to not eat something and feel content or feel satisfied when you eat one portion and stop.

You can release cravings and negative emotions by simply putting your attention to the problem food or negative feeling and gently tap the outer edge of you hand under the little finger. Then, using your index and middle fingers, touch or tap each of these points for 3 seconds: on the eyebrow near the nose, the outside edge of the eye socket, under the eye, under the nose, under the lower lip, under the collarbone, and on the side of your body 4 inches under the armpit.

One of the most common hazards is dealing with all the food that is scattered around wherever you go. Some people put dishes of candy or cookies on their desks at work or in the lunchroom. Seeing or smelling delicious treats is a very strong enticement. What makes it worse is that these delicacies are not your run of the mill snacks. They are usually the once a year goodies that come with the season.

When this occurs, think of or look at the food you are tempted to overindulge in. Rate how strong your urge to eat it is from zero to ten with zero being no interest. Tap the energy points and rate your urge again. Do this until you decide on a reasonable solution. If you are forcing yourself to say No, keep tapping until you genuinely don't want it.

If you love to bake wonderful sweets for your family and to give as gifts, are you able to have them around without sampling them? Many bakers love homemade cookies as well as the raw cookie dough. Use EFT while you focus on the temptation to scarf up too many calories. As you tap, the struggle will disappear and you will be able to eat just one and stop.

Another pitfall has to do with all the festivities that take place in December. You may be invited to a load of parties and dinners where food is not just delicious but plentiful too. Did you know that half a cup of eggnog has 230 calories? Ouch!

Use EFT before the gathering, while you think about all the pitfalls: too much food to choose from, delicious high calorie specialties that you only get once a year, eating to please the hostess, family anxiety when you are all together, etc. You may choose to use EFT a few times a day starting a week before the event to make sure that you are ready to have a great time and not wake up with an upset stomach.

One of my clients was distressed when she arrived at a party to find her ex-husband and his new girlfriend. She had no new romantic interest, and seeing the lovebirds made her want to eat her way down the buffet table non-stop. Instead, she went into the rest room and gave herself a successful EFT treatment. Afterward, she felt calm and was able to have a good time without pigging out.

EFT can help you get through any food challenge throughout the year, including holiday feasts, weddings, barbecues, birthdays and other special events. You can have your cake and eat some too.

Gloria Arenson, MFT, treats stress, anxiety, trauma, phobias, and compulsions. She has authored How to Stop Playing the Weighting Game, A Substance Called Food, Born To Spend, Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing, Freedom At Your Fingertips and Procrastination Nation.

calorie shifting: calorie shifting diet plan

calorie shifting: calorie shifting

Calorie Shifting Diet How Calorie Shifting Will Lose The Weight

There is nothing wrong with eating. The problem occurs when the teenager eats too much food that contains fats and sugars which is reason that many become overweight. Studies show that those who are unable to control it want a quick solution. There are quite a few which are not effective and in reality are potentially dangerous.

One example is the vegetarian diet. In essence, there is nothing wrong with however teens who don't know any better have totally removed chicken and meat products from the dish.

Vegetarians believe it or not still need to eat a little meat such as those derived from poultry products and fish. This is because it has the essential nutrients that are needed while a teen is growing up.

Some people tend to forget all that but there is a downside to it. This is because the teenager will have to eat a wide variety of vegetables to compensate for this.

Some teens have tried drinking herbal tea. These products are very similar to laxative pills because the person will frequently be forced to go to the bathroom and get rid of it. Studies have shown that this is unsafe for a teen who will most likely suffer from dehydration or complications in the colon.

Teens are very susceptible to ads seen on television. There are some on the home television shopping network that promise to lose those extra pounds by going on a diet in just two weeks.

These usually focus on a low calorie diet plan. Although there is nothing wrong should this be done for an adult, again, this is harmful for teens. This is because a sudden loss in the calorie intake will prompt the body to take defensive measures and force one to eat a lot later on to compensate of the deficiency.

In fact, the same effects will happen should the teenager even think of going on a starvation diet.

Another unsafe way to lose weight will be vomit out the food that was eaten. This is worse than starving oneself because the body expels hydrochloric acid that burns the throat and the teeth.

So, is there a healthy way for a teen to lose the excess weight? The answer is yes. The first step is admitting to oneself that it has to end and then sharing this problem with members in the family to get the help and support.

Someone may recommend a diet plan that was made by a trained professionals and tested by doctors. There are so many to choose from and some focus more on carbs while others put more emphasis on consuming more proteins.

A healthy diet should have a good follow through with the right exercise. There are various workout programs like lifting weights, attending group classes or burning those calories on the treadmill.

There are also other sports such as basketball, football or swimming that the teen can engage especially when the body can still withstand the pressures of rigorous activity.

There is no such a thing as a fast way to lose weight. The only thing that exists is a safe and healthy one that can make this happen. There will be challenges ahead but this can only be achieved with the help of a trained professional.
Swimming tips

calorie shifting: calorie shifting

calorie shifting: calorie shifting diet plan